A Visual History of Dead Alive

Commentary by Count Scapula


Live @ the end June 17, 2023

This Dead Alive's second show, and the first one we booked ourselves. Also on the Bill was Nashville's Dystopian, and Arioch.


Count Scapula - Vocals

Manthing - Guitar

Brian Roberts - Guitar

Jeremiah Pritchard - Bass

Cody, The Brother of Manthing - Drums

Watch The Count choke on his hair during the 4th verse.

No Rest In Peace

Live @ the end June 17th 2023

This Dead Alive's second show, and the first one we booked ourselves. Also on the Bill was Nashville's Dystopian, and Arioch.


Count Scapula - Vocals

Manthing - Guitar

Brian Roberts - Guitar

Jeremiah Pritchard - Bass

Cody, The Brother of Manthing - Drums


Our songs had sound clips as part of the song. I had no idea how to play them live. I had a boom box which I used to create the radio sound bit samples on our intro track "Rise". I recorded our audio samples onto a cassette tape, which I timed the order for our set list with "Play/Pause" breaks. I tried to be theatrical and hold the Boom Box like a prop, but it was very awkward and I dropped it on my head a couple times trying to put it on my shoulder. The boombox hasn't made a return to the stage since then.

Spooky, Scary Skeletons

Spooky, Scary Skeletons | Music Video

In Trve Kvlt style, Dead Alive created a music video for their cover of Spooky Scary Skeletons in tribute to Immortal's "Call of The Wintermoon" video.

Directed by: Count Scapula
Cinematographer: Ray Lee Rose
Edited By: Count Scapula & Ray Lee Rose

A Greg-Gory Death

Live at The End, Nashville 11.16.23

The 5th Dead Alive show and last show of 2023.

Video by Ray Lee Rose and Steve Posavac.

The first Official Live Lineup of Dead Alive.

Count Scapula


Dedmen Walken

Dead Beat

  • Splatter Thrash - Poster
    Splatter Thrash - Poster


  • Green Hell

    Music Video

    Director, Videographer, Editor, Lighting, Sound: Ray Lee Rose


    Special Thanks To:

    The Garden Family

    Ray D Ingram


    For this music video I wanted it to be a performance one. Simple concept, Everything Is green and we're in hell. We rented a studio with an infinity wall and got one RGB light and used just the G. Even though we technically released this in 2024, this was the very last thing we did in 2023.