A Visual History of Dead Alive
Commentary by Count Scapula
First Show!

I Get by with a little help from my friends
First Ever Dead Alive Band Rehearsal
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
Brian Roberts (Left), Count Scapula (Top Left), Parker The Bandit (Front), Brother Of Manthing (Back), Manthing (Right)

Count Scapula The Vocalist
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
Jan 3rd of 2023 I received an email from a booking agent asking if Dead Alive wanted to play a show on May 7th. I immediately said "yes."

Now I am Become Dead
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
At that time, I was in a very deep depression. I had finally finished college after seven years, was going through some health problems and had just ended a seven year long relationship.

That Smile
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
At that moment I had no "band." Just an album I had released a few years prior.

Skeleton Soldier - Brian Roberts
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
I called Manthing to "get the band back together" and asked a previous coworker, Brian, to fill in on guitar.

Skeleton Soldier - Parker The Bandit
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
Fun Fact: Count Scapula, Manthing, Cody, and Parker were all in a band together, right out of high school.

Skeleton Soldier - Cody, The Brother of Manthing
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
This first show kind of became the final farewell to that first band. The last song we played that night was one of the songs from that band.

No Rest In Peace
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
While I was away at college, Parker and Cody started another band that was a little more produced. I played as a live guitarist for that band, even while I was in college and starting to work on Dead Alive with Manthing.

Angry Bones
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
That last song from the setlist was re-written to be played with that second band. That version was never released.

Skeleton W Rizz
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
For this last hurrah for the four of us, we re-wrote that song a third time, and played it one last time.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
We've kinda started a game about not telling anyone the name of those two bands, because the music is VERY DATED and kinda cringy looking back on it. Just to see if anyone can figure out what they were called and find the music.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
Another fun fact: The first song that I ever co-wrote and sang guttural vocals on was with that first band. It wasn't the song we played that night.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
I've left little clues around the website with hints to what those two bands were called.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
It was a bittersweet moment. The end of an era for our 16-18 year old selves. The Era of Dead Alive had truly begun.
Second Show!

Join the skeleton army!
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
The three on the left were one of the other bands that played that night. It was the first time I ever heard Brett (Dead Beat) play the drums and I was amazed! I wanted him in my band.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
That band, Dystopian, isn't together anymore. I lucked out and he joined my band three shows later. We also met our future Bassist, Dedmen Walken, at this show as well as our future Guitarist, Dreadward.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
That chest plate was so hot. The (p)leather jacket that was starting to peel. I thought it would look really cool like its rotting. However it quickly became a mess nightmare with me leaving a trail of "Scapula" flakes everywhere I went, like confetti or glitter... but EVIL AND DARK

Sensitive Skeleton
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
This and the first show were the first times I put on corpse paint by myself. As you've noticed the paint design for The Count has evolved over time. For the first album, and with the early explorations of the character I had close friends help with the application. The "cheek" design to outline the jaw was inspired by Dee Snider's cheeks.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
The early shows I had such an issue with my hair getting in my mouth, and choking on it. It still happens occasionally, but both my body and my hair were not healthy at this time.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
Fun Fact: There was a Violent J (I.C.P.) show happening across the street at The Exit/In. Right after we finished playing Brian left to go to it. It was funny, Horror Rap on one side of the street and Horror Metal on the other side of the street. Lots of people in face paint.

These aren't my glasses
Photo By Ray Lee Rose
The first shows are always a bit rough around the edges. But they were fun! And all we hoped is everyone else were having fun too. During some of the dead air for guitar changes and tunings I told a couple cheesy skeleton jokes.

Photo By Ray Lee Rose
Brian Roberts (Center) Jeremiah Pritchard (Right)
After this show I needed to start finding long term band mates. I transitioned to playing guitar and vocals.
Live @ the end June 17, 2023
This Dead Alive's second show, and the first one we booked ourselves. Also on the Bill was Nashville's Dystopian, and Arioch.
Count Scapula - Vocals
Manthing - Guitar
Brian Roberts - Guitar
Jeremiah Pritchard - Bass
Cody, The Brother of Manthing - Drums
Watch The Count choke on his hair during the 4th verse.
No Rest In Peace
Live @ the end June 17th 2023
This Dead Alive's second show, and the first one we booked ourselves. Also on the Bill was Nashville's Dystopian, and Arioch.
Count Scapula - Vocals
Manthing - Guitar
Brian Roberts - Guitar
Jeremiah Pritchard - Bass
Cody, The Brother of Manthing - Drums
Our songs had sound clips as part of the song. I had no idea how to play them live. I had a boom box which I used to create the radio sound bit samples on our intro track "Rise". I recorded our audio samples onto a cassette tape, which I timed the order for our set list with "Play/Pause" breaks. I tried to be theatrical and hold the Boom Box like a prop, but it was very awkward and I dropped it on my head a couple times trying to put it on my shoulder. The boombox hasn't made a return to the stage since then.
Third Show!

Count Scapula The Guitar Player
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
This guitar I call "The Bastard." I took a 15lbs heavy chain I bought from home depot, drilled eye bolts into it and used twist locking links to attach it as the guitar strap. I took probably one of the lightest guitars and made it "a bastard" to wear. I only played it for our one drop C# song "No Rest In Peace."

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
After how hot it was to play in "Full Costume" I decided The Count needs a 'summer look'.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
Dead Alive's first official bassist!

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
This reveal was soo cool. Dedmen wore the bag on his head since we arrive at the venue that day. No one knew what he looked like. It has become a historic Dead Alive moment. The blood dripped all over my bass and on the ground.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
This venue's "stage" is on the ground in the corner of the bar. It is TINY, we we're practically stacked on top of each other.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
I think this is the last photo of Cody playing with Dead Alive. Though he played one more show with us at Gunk House.
4th Show!

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
This Warlock is my baby. It is my main writting instrument and I have recorded all of Dead Alive's songs with this guitar.

"The bag stays on, during..."
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
Dedmen Walken was just dripping with style, charisma, and attitude.
The eyeholes for the bag kept getting wider and wider each show. Dedmen would tell us that while he's trying to headbang and move around the bag would move and he wouldn't be able to see his bass.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
We slowly improved on our stage presence, musical "tightness", and visual aesthetic.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
We're still working on refining Dead Alive's "look." But at the time the mentality and the goal was "Return of the Living Dead + old school Thrash/death metal."

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
One of the most frequent compliments I get on the performances are the intense facial expressions I do. Part of the reason I wanted to do corpse paint was to accentuate my features when I would make extreme facial expressions.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
These early shows of me playing guitar were tricky for me since I really had never played and sung at the same time and found it really hard. I also had/have the compulsion to act with my hands, so I would "cheat" by not playing guitar during certain verses and upped the theatrics with hand gestures.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
Dedmen loved standing on his bass cab. Unfortunately in this basement the roof was pretty low and he couldn't really stand up all the way. He would jump off of it during Deadites.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
This was mainly a hardcore punk show. I learned what two-stepping was and realized that the hardcore punk crowd is not our scene. Our songs do not cater to Two-stepping or crowd-killing, and they didn't connect with the music because of it.
Spooky Scary Skeletons Music Video

Trve kvlt
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
Since I first came up with the Idea for what would become Dead Alive. I knew I wanted to do a "Trve Kvlt" cover of Spooky Scary Skeletons and if I ever did a music video for it, I would do an homage to Immortal's "Call of the Wintermoon."

Dead Boys in the Forest
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
I figured since I wanted to do a music video and I had no budget and no experience with making a music video this would be a great learning experience and fun to execute on.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
We attempted at doing a shot for shot homage to Immortal's music video but since our song was shorter we were able to be creative and cut some of the more difficult or repetitive shots to execute on and we could have fun and do things our way.

I Think We're Lost
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
Our filming locations were a forested bike trail at a nearby park, and Mt Olivet cemetery, since there is a lack of good Norwegian ruins in Tennessee.

We're totally lost
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
We figured that since we are wearing very obvious costumes and had a camera, no one would call the cops on us. We still tried our best to kinda keep out of sight as much as possible. If people noticed us we would say "Hello, Don't mind us were making a fun video for Halloween."

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
I plan on turning this shovel into a mic stand someday. I think shovels are underrated weapons in horror movies.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
It's a tool that is used to dig graves or exhume them. There totally could be metaphor or analogy you could derive from a protagonist in a horror movie using a shovel as a weapon.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
Here's a list of movies from the top of my head that has a shovel being used as a weapon. I'll update it if I can remember more, or if I see it in a movie.
Evil Dead 2
Spooky, Scary Skeletons
Spooky, Scary Skeletons | Music Video
In Trve Kvlt style, Dead Alive created a music video for their cover of Spooky Scary Skeletons in tribute to Immortal's "Call of The Wintermoon" video.
Directed by: Count Scapula
Cinematographer: Ray Lee Rose
Edited By: Count Scapula & Ray Lee Rose
First Photoshoot in "THE DUNGEON."

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
You'll probably noticed that the majority of these photos are by Ray. They are my darling partner, and one hell of a photographer!

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
One of the next things to evolve for The Count Scapula corpse paint was the mouth. I was inspired by King Diamond's face paint and evolved the "teeth" pattern to look more "drippy."

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
Early in the creative process I wanted the whole band to be Punk/Metal Skeletons but Manthing didn't like wearing corpse paint. So I decided Dead Alive would be more of a motley crew of monsters, and let everyone lean into their own creativity and "be their own monster." Just have to commit to the bit in some capacity.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
He also didn't know what he wanted his stage name to be. So the Manthing Character was created kind of in spite of that.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
In a band of monsters, what is a Manthing? Is he a serial killer like Ted Bundy? Nah, he's just some guy.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
What is more terrifying than Just some guy? A Creed fan, maybe? A Sigma Male? Makes my spine shiver.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
To play into the "Manthing" joke more and kind of establish an "air" of the comedy of the band, I also requested that Manthing Wear his green ribcage shirt and rip off the sleeves to be like Nigel Rufnel from Spinal Tap. I think this is literally the only time Manthing did not wear that shirt.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
It took Dedmen Walken around 2 hours to put on his makeup. Its a mixture of liquid latex glue, cotton balls, toilet paper, paint, and fake blood. Very DIY and Evil Dead-esq.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
These gloves I'm wearing are a combination of Hot Topic fingerless skeleton gloves, foam bone fingers from a cheap pair of Spirit Halloween costume gloves, and Hot Glue. The Idea is that I could still play guitar if I needed to and it would be more consistent with the texture of the rest of the costume.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
However they added to the heat of the performance, and the fingers would fall off after a little while and would need maintenance. You can see the chest piece popping out too.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
I think, In a way, Dedmen Walken knew what Dead Alive really needed to look like before I did.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose.
The idea was "Metal + Return of the Living Dead/Evil Dead" and he nailed it!

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
It seemed like every show he was in a different outfit and it always looked 'on point'.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
In real life, he is funny, charming, lovable, excitable, and a little crass. He has a good heart.

Photo by Ray Lee Rose
"The Dungeon" is what I call the detached garage at Castle Scapula (my house). Its where we do our band practice in, and over the years we've transformed it into a functional photography studio.

Next, We're getting a drummer
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
A Greg-Gory Death
Live at The End, Nashville 11.16.23
The 5th Dead Alive show and last show of 2023.
Video by Ray Lee Rose and Steve Posavac.
The first Official Live Lineup of Dead Alive.
Count Scapula
Dedmen Walken
Dead Beat

"Is that Brian 'Head' Welch?"
Lol, yeah. I work with him as part of my day job. He's one of our management clients and I manage the distribution for his label imprint XOVR Records.
It was really cool to have him and my boss come out and support us at the show. Everyone else at the venue was surprised and amazed that he was there. I felt so cool.
Green Hell!

I'm in Hell...
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
Because of our growing efforts on social media. We got reached out to - to be a part of a 40th anniversary tribute album for the Misfits' Earth A.D. Cody was done filling in and I needed a drummer who could do blast beats. So I called Brett from Dystopian and asked if we would be interested in playing drums on the track. He mentioned that conveniently (for me) "Dystopian is breaking up" and I asked if he would be interested in being Dead Alive's official drummer? I was so lucky. At this point in time, Dead Beat, was supposed to be a Reaper/Wraith/Ghost. It was way too much. He still was amazing on the drums, though inconvenienced.

Green Hell!
Photo by Ray Lee Rose
I started experimenting more with the Count Scapula look. Going for a very punk direction for the Green Hell video. I ripped the sleeves off a ribe cage shirt that I thought had a more comic look to match the corpse paint. The pants I made to continue the comic punk skeleton look, old ripped black jeans, and leggings I sewn a bone pattern I cut out from a pair of pajama pants. I also hand sewn the bracers and bicep tassel from some old material I had laying around.

Green Hell
Recorded With, Mixed, and Mastered by Dan Emery of Black Matter Mastering.
Artwork by Count Scapula
Photos from Ray Lee Rose
Green Hell
Music Video
Director, Videographer, Editor, Lighting, Sound: Ray Lee Rose
Special Thanks To:
The Garden Family
Ray D Ingram
For this music video I wanted it to be a performance one. Simple concept, Everything Is green and we're in hell. We rented a studio with an infinity wall and got one RGB light and used just the G. Even though we technically released this in 2024, this was the very last thing we did in 2023.